(Webinar) Best Practices for Assessment and Measurement
With the current and impending changes in ICBC and insurance coverage for physiotherapy and massage therapy, it is essential that you follow best practices so you can continue to provide high value care to your patients. This will increase the quality of your care and also reduce the risk of you being audited by insurers.
This 2 hour webinar will guide you through the step by step processes required to use proper assessment and measurement tools for all major areas of the body including neck, shoulder, upper extremity, lower back, hips and lower extremity, so you can more effectively assess, chart, and track your patient’s progress and effectively communicate this to insurance providers. This will allow you to provide better quality treatment plans and greatly decrease the odds that you will be audited by insurers.
Who: RMTs and clinic owners
What: Assessment, measurement, charting
When: Monday April 8th 6pm
Where: Online via Zoom
Why: Your patients deserve it. Insurers demand it
How long: Approx 2 hours
How much: $77 includes GST
Recording available to all registered attendees